Marketing Cloud has different ways to personalise content and messages that are very impressive. This post focuses on AmpScript in personalisation strings. AMPScript is a language that can be embedded into templates, applications and landing pages to personalise them.

What does it look like?

Imagine I received the following personalised text email from my local garden centre.

Which in AMPScript looks like:

The first AMPScript entry is %%Customer_Name%%. It is calling a value from the Data Extension containing the subscribers full name we are going to send to.

The second AMPScript entry is %%=v(@Latest_Purchase)=%%. It is calling a value from a variable I have created using AMPScript to call a value from a different Data Extension. The look up is held in the script header and is formatted similar to this:

I created the variable I wanted to call in the message as a variable (var….). I then set the value in the variable by looking up my PurchaseDE Data Extension and looked for the Latest Purchase information according to the ContactID I had in the Data Extension I am sending the emails to.

The Third AMPScript entry is a variable that returns a Date Function.

%% var @todaydate set @todaydate = Now() set @todaydate = FormatDate(@todaydate,”Y”) %%

A short and sweet intro!

And then the technical bit! 🙂

The script is processed at the point it is rendered whether in preview or through an AMPScript call at the end of the email send on a subscriber by subscriber basis. It is rendered Server Side rather than Client Side.

Read more on The AMPScript Guide!

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