As a Consultant in the marketing space, there are a number of campaigns we come across through each initial implementation. As part of an implementation of Pardot or Marketing Cloud, it is always beneficial to run a campaign alongside the implementation team to guide you on best practices. Plus, nothing beats seeing a happy client when their campaign goes live! If you get stuck on what campaign you could run or what would give you the best ROI, here are a couple of examples: 

Five of the most common campaigns: 

Weekly or Monthly Newsletter

Drafting a template that can be used each week or month by substituting the content but the look and feel remains the same throughout is an ongoing campaign at many companies. 

Getting statistics back about link clicks, reading time, and email opens are always fascinating and give you a great indication of your client interest. 

I encourage you to try to create 2 or 3 similar templates that can be used in the newsletter sends: This will keep the look and feel dynamic and fresh. 


A great use of automated, yet personalised, sends is a webinar journey – so relevant to the time we are now in and something that will be used over again! There are many webinar platforms that allow you to send emails with information, but keeping them personalised and branded to the T is our aim in this campaign!

The most important part of this campaign is the journey you wish to take your clients on, you can figure this out by asking questions like: 

  • How engaged do you want to be? 
  • How many reminders would you like to send? 
  • Do you wish to send them the recording or allow for them to ask questions prior to the session?

Again, one could create templates to be populated with relevant content and used for each journey.

Re-engagement programme

Re-engage with lost or cold leads you already have in your CRM. Remind them of why they would benefit from engaging with you or the value you could bring to their business or household! It gives you a good way to get old leads down the funnel and clean your database of disinterested data. Get creative, give those leads a reason to sign or buy your goods or services by creating a catchy email with witty wording!

Opt in campaign

In line with privacy policies rolling out around the world (check out the summarised version of Protection Acts around the world here), it would be wise to ensure your clients know that their data is protected and used for the marketing efforts you are planning. Use an Opt In campaign to get consent from your customers, prospects, and leads to send them marketing material. Remember that transactional emails need no consent. Also, remember that you need to discard of personal information if customers have not given consent. 

Rebranding and reminder that you’re still you! 

Get your clients attention with your new logo, website or brand colours by running a campaign that speaks about your new look and why it is important. Let your customers know that they are still at the front of everything your company does and the reason you do what you do, right? 

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